Eye on Health - Exercise, it's Not Just for Your Waistline Anymore

Thursday 18 December 2008

Most people don't think twice about their vision until there is a problem. Many of us think we can not do anything about the condition of our eyes. The reality is, there are steps we can take to protect them, from exercising to eating right to making good lifestyle choices.

Not only can exercise help slim our waistlines and improve our cardiovascular health, but it can also help prevent or delay the onset of many eye diseases, such as macular degeneration, which is the number one cause of blindness in people over 55. It is thought that the increased blood and oxygen flow to the eyes due to higher activity levels helps keep them healthier, longer.

The foods you eat can have a dramatic effect on your overall health. It is well known that a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables can help contribute to a lower incidence of disease. Many products are especially good for maintaining eye health. The commonly-held belief that eating carrots is good for your vision is true. Carrots are a good source of vitamin A, which can help reduce the risk of eye diseases like cataracts or macular degeneration. This vegetable will not improve your sight, as you might have heard, but it can help stave off disease longer. Dark green, leafy vegetables can also help maintain good eye health. They contain lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants that are found in the eye and fight free radicals before they damage delicate eye tissues.

Besides exercise, other daily activities and habits can help maintain the health of your eyes as well. Quitting smoking has a profound effect on all your body's systems, including the eyes. The risk of cataracts is considerably lower in non-smokers. Smokers are also at risk for other diseases, which can be linked to vision problems. In addition, many smokers suffer from dry eyes from the smoke's irritating effects.

It is important to protect your eyes while in the sun, with sunglasses and/or hats with visors. Also, when working with dangerous materials and playing sports, protective eyewear should be worn to prevent injury and possible blindness.

See your eye care professional for more information on how to help maintain your vision.