Stylish Glasses For Fashionable Men

Thursday 14 January 2010

Although you may not think so, but a lot of men are concerned about they look in public. This includes what kind of glasses they wear on a daily basis. Women usually tend to believe that men, no matter how they look, look good in glasses. However, if these glasses are thick and round and make your eyeballs look like you are seeing through the bottom of a glass bottle then it is not a good thing. There are a few things that men need to consider before zeroing in on a pair of these:


Although we are not referring to manual labor here, men do tend to go through some physically taxing work in their professional life every now and then. This coupled with the occasional temper that results in throwing a few things around may make it a good idea for them to choose a pair of glasses that are strong and long lasting. The frames should not be too thin and fragile and the glasses should definitely be scratch proof. If possible one should have two pairs: one for daily use and one for special occasions.

Comfort Level

Don't compromise on the comfort for anything; style or expense. Remember that glasses are for long term use. Therefore, it may not be the best feeling when the frame cuts into the back of your ears or the weight of the lens makes an angry dent on the bridge of your nose. There are many light weight frames available to choose from. Although they may cost a little more, it is money worth spent. Lenses for glasses are going through path breaking advances. You can have a very thin pair of them fitted into your frame even if you have a high power.

Style Quotient
Style is important when it comes to glasses. If you wear a pair of them you will now how different they can make you look. Therefore, choose carefully so that they accentuate your face instead of adding bulk to it.

• The Aviator Look
Aviator glasses are hugely popular among men nowadays. Not only are they reminiscent of vintage fashion but they also compliment almost all types of outfits; formals and casuals alike.

• The Broad Rims
Broad rims or even double bars on the side are very stylish. They come in various colors to compliment the skin tone and personal taste. Although they may be slightly heavy, titanium ones make them exceptionally light for wear. Younger people stick to plastic frames as they provide a wider range of designs.

• Titanium Frames
If you want to sport the lightest pair of glasses that will also provide durability then you should go for titanium frames on your spectacles. Although they are quite expensive wearing them feels like having nothing on your nose.

• Lenses
You may also experiment with the shape and color or the functions of your lenses. They should definitely be scratchproof. You can also go for progressive lenses as well as photo chromatic ones which protect the eyes from sun rays. Round, rectangular, trapezoid and even half moon lenses can be sported according to what one likes.