Enhance the Look of Your Eyes

Monday 30 March 2009

Color contact lenses are the recent trend in the world of eye fashion. The color contact lenses make your eyes look simply stunning. They absolutely transform the way you look and also there are many colors to select from. The types of colors accessible not only change the color of your eye but also have hot fashion accessories. They even have designs over them for the costume and theme parties including the Valentine’s Day or Halloween.

Both the individuals who have vision problem and those who do not have any eye problem can use the color contact lenses. The people who do not have eyesight problem use the color contact lenses as a fashion accessory to enhance the look of their eyes. On the other hand, the people having vision problems, can use the color contact lenses made according to their prescription and must consult their eye doctor or ophthalmologist in advance.

The Recent Eye Fashion

The color contact lenses offer you the versatility to transform the color of your eye to any color that you want, instantly. These latest fashion accessories are accessible from various sources including online and brick and mortar stores. The color contact lenses have a very illuminating effect, which also add sparkle to the eyes of the wearer.

There are mainly two kinds of color contact lenses accessible, they are the disposal types and one for the extended wear. Extended wear color contact lenses generally can be used for a span of one year or sometimes even for a longer period, according to the usage. On the other hand, the disposable color contact lenses are worn for a very short period, for a week at the most. The disposable color contact lenses more or less come in a pack of about 4-6 pairs. Wearing the color contact lens of your choice eliminates the need to put on the eyeglasses everywhere.

Few of the common colors available in color contact lenses include blue, green, amethyst or even purple and yellow. Apart from the color contact lenses, another method of being noticed without changing your natural eye color is by using contact lenses with a definition ring. These are the contact lenses with a dark ring, which outlines your natural eye color, further adding depth to your eyes and making them look large than the real size of your eye.

As this hot fashion accessory is exposed to your eyes, each time you use it, utmost care must be taken every time you use it. There are several ways of using the color contact lenses, so they do not cause you any problem on wearing them.

Cautions To Be Taken With Color Contact Lenses

It is better to buy the color contact lenses from a reliable shop. Purchasing contact lenses from any shop can be dangerous, since majority of the paints are highly toxic. With the best color contact lenses, you can solve the problem of putting on eyeglasses everyday and everywhere. Always remember, as a hot fashion accessory, the color contact lenses must be worn only for shorter periods. Never wear the color lenses for more than 8-9 hours. Most of them block the oxygen flow into your eyes and it can cause severe eye problems.

Eyes - Take Care Of Them

Saturday 21 March 2009

To maintain your eyes in the best possible shape, just follow this simple advice.

First, and most importantly of all, have your eyes tested regularly.

Secondly, eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Eating foods that contain the right vitamins and minerals is essential in keeping your eyes healthy in the long-term. Eating the proper foods can also help to lower the risk of developing certain eye diseases. Vitamins A, C and E are well-known antioxidants which can help prevent certain eye problems such as age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. Good sources of antioxidants are found in fruits and vegetables particularly in the raw form since many are lost through cooking.

Vitamin A is essential to the proper functioning of the retina and in preventing night blindness. It is not only found in foods like liver and eggs but also in many fruits such as apricots and peaches and vegetables such as carrots and spinach. Nowadays, most types of milk are also fortified with vitamin A.

Vitamin C is an all-encompassing vitamin, strengthening not only our bones and muscles but also our teeth and eyes. It can be found in strawberries and citrus fruits like oranges as well as in broccoli and green peppers.

Another important antioxidant that does it all is Vitamin E. It has long been associated with eye care and the prevention and delaying of cataracts. The best sources of Vitamin E can be found in various nuts, fortified cereals and green leafy vegetables.

Eye exercises have been found to help prevent eye strain. Simple things such as taking frequent breaks away from the computer screen or, if this is not possible, just looking away from the screen and focusing on different objects at varying distances, all help to improve the focus of your eyes.

A very soothing way to help relax your eyes is to place a sliced piece of cucumber or cold teabags on them while you rest. Alternatively, placing your palms over your eyes for a few minutes of total darkness is very beneficial.

Protection of your eyes is very much common sense but so often overlooked. Over-exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause a number of eye problems so in sunny weather it is always advisable to wear sunglasses or tinted lenses. When driving or working for long periods on the computer the use of antiglare glasses is further recommended as are safety goggles which should be worn for certain sports and should always be worn when undertaking DIY or gardening to avoid injuries caused by flying objects.

Another tip for maintaining healthy eyes is to ensure that if you have been wearing eye make-up that you totally remove it before going to bed. Also, don't forget to throw out any old mascara after three months. If it is kept for any longer than this, it can begin to harbour germs which could then be transferred into your eyes.

Maintaining healthy eyes is vitally important and by following these simple rules, they should always sparkle. To learn more about enhancing your eyes with make-up, a visit to an image consultant would be well worthwhile.

3 Helpful Tips For Glow In The Dark Contact Lenses

Friday 13 March 2009

Presenting the "Glow In The Dark Contact Lenses", a glamorous option for those special nights when you'd rather have all eyes pinned on you. Contact lenses that glow in the dark are a great way to make a fashion statement.

"Glow in the dark" Halloween contact lenses are an especially popular category of contact lenses for Halloween because that is the scary, goofy, fun time of the year when you want to look different. Well, one way of 'looking' at it is through a glow in the dark contact lens.

That Special Halloween Shine

With these special Halloween lenses you can make your eyes glow in the dark and get more treats than tricks. But if this is your first try with them you might need some education. Here are some tips to help you with your 'glow in the dark contact lens'.

Various types of glow in the dark lenses are available freely on the Internet and are quite affordable if you don't buy the lens right on Halloween. Check out several online lens suppliers who stock Halloween lenses or contacts that glow in the dark before you make a purchase.

Glow in the dark contacts basically use a luminescent material on the surface that makes them turn into 'glow in the dark lenses'. Please choose only the kind of glow in the dark lens contact lens which has FDA approved colors. Otherwise you may end up with more than just the lens in your eyes.

Fun as they may be, Halloween lenses or glow in the dark contacts require the same care that you reserve for regular contact lenses. Buying these glow in the dark contacts under medical supervision and with a valid prescription and cleaning of contacts are important for your safety and health.

Treatment of Pink Eye

Monday 9 March 2009

What is Pink Eye?

Pink Eye is the inflammation of the conjunctiva membrane. The conjunctiva membrane is the thin, clear membrane over the white part of the eye and lining of the eyelids.

Pink eye is also called conjunctivitis.

Treatment for infective Conjunctivitis that is caused by bacteria includes the antibiotic ointment or antibiotic drops will help a lot. For viral infections the condition is normally allowed to go its course and heal itself, in the same way you would allow a cold to go away on its own. Generally however, it is difficult to determine whether infective Conjunctivitis has resulted from bacteria or a virus so oftentimes, no treatment is prescribed.

Before wearing a new pair of contacts, you should wait until your eyes are totally healed. Since your corneas, the clear dome-shaped covering over your eye, may be infected with the same virus that causes pink eye, it may be wise to have an examination by your eye care
provider before starting contact lens wear with fresh lenses.

If the pink eye is caused by a virus, the person can usually return to day care, school, or work when symptoms begin to improve, typically in 3 to 5 days. Medicines are not usually used to treat viral pink eye, so preventing its spread is important. Home treatment of the symptoms will help you feel more comfortable while the infection goes away.

If the pink eye is caused by bacteria, the person can usually return to day care, school, or work after the infection has been treated for 24 hours with an antibiotic and symptoms are improving. Prescription antibiotic treatment usually kills the bacteria that cause pink eye.

Conjunctivitis is highly contagious and you can get reinfected and keep passing it back and forth, so always see an eye doctor if it is suspected. If you get something in your eye, don't rub it! Cover the eye with a bandage and see the eye doctor as soon as possible. Don't put your fingers in your eyes. Don't use a towel or tissue in one eye and then the other, use two different things for either eye. Dispose of immediately thereafter. Treatment is usually antibiotic drops and salves. Treatment is usually effective within days to a few weeks. A child cannot go to school until it is clear because it is so contagious. The cause of conjunctivitis must be determined before treatment is given.

- If eye drops or an ointment is prescribed, the applicator tip and infected eye must never come in contact with one another. Antibiotics for the eye are available only by prescription.
- Allergens and other irritants such as smoke, which may cause allergic and mechanical conjunctivitis, should be avoided.

- If an irritant or foreign object is causing the pink eye / conjunctivitis, flushing of the eye with an eye-wash solution may be recommended. (Specific products may be recommended by a physician or pharmacist.)

- Certain over-the-counter eye drops or oral antihistamine medications may help reduce symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis or conjunctivitis caused by certain irritants. These are not effective for infectious conjunctivitis and should only be used to reduce symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis. (Specific products may be recommended by a physician or pharmacist.)

Why Do You Need An Eye Test?

Friday 6 March 2009

The most common of eye tests are those wherein the eye doctor asks you to read letters from a chart. The letters on the chart gets smaller on each line. This type of test is considered basic especially in trying to determine if the eyes have normal vision or not and to determine if there are problems with the eyesight.

Undergoing an eye test is important for many reasons. Here are the reasons as to why we need to have eye tests:

1. Regular eye tests are necessary in order to avoid unnecessary damage to the eyes caused by undiagnosed conditions. It is very common that eye diseases and vision problems are developed without us knowing them. Learning about it early on can prevent further damages.

2. Early diagnosis of eye health conditions or problems is important especially in young children. Being able to detect problems early can prevent development and learning problems. Children who are seen to have sight problems can often be treated.

3. Young children between the ages of 1 to 5 also need eye tests to look for common toddler eye problems such as crossed eyes, turned-out eyes, or lazy eyes.

4. People who have occupations which affect and use the eyes many hours of the day should also have regular eye tests. These occupations include drivers and those who strain their eyes for hours during work. Regular eye tests can help diagnose problems early and promptly apply the needed medical care, if possible.

5. Regular eye tests are also needed by those who wear glasses or contact lenses. Eye tests can determine whether there is a need to adjust the vision grade of eyeglasses or contact lenses.

6. People who have a family medical history of eye disease or a type of chronic disease such as diabetes, then a regular eye test can also help monitor vision as well as watch out for more serious eye problems.

7. Eye tests are also needed to be administered once every two or four years to those who are between the age of 40 to 65. Adults in their middle to senior age has a higher risk for eye diseases and vision problems.

Eye Care to be Rewarded by Van Insurers

Tuesday 3 March 2009

Worryingly it seems up to a third of us are driving around without being able to see clearly! Interestingly we’re not talking about the elderly, who frequently get the blame for accidents, usually with a throw-away comment about the condition of their eyes! Rather it’s a cross section of individuals who are coming up short when it comes to their eyesight.

When it comes to van drivers the cause for concern is that bit more due to the fact that they do a lot more driving, covering a lot more mileage than the average car driver. With that in mind the likelihood of an accident is greatly increased if you couple their devotion to the road with lack lustre vision. This revealing study adds credence to the beliefs held by a lot of opticians who have felt that poor eyesight contributes heavily to causing accidents on UK roads.

Your safety and that of other road users and pedestrians alike is greatly reduced as the risk of accidents increase when you step behind the wheel knowing your eyesight is not up to par. Lack lustre eyesight reduces your ability to discern between stationary and moving objects, as well as reducing your ability to spot potential hazards and adjust your driving appropriately. No doubt if your driving capabilities are compromised in any way and the compromise is something that could been prevented, your insurance provider may raise an eyebrow or two if you are looking to make a claim.

The majority of vans being driven on UK roads today are done so for business purposes, whether it’s for a small, personal business or part of a fleet of vans owned by a large corporation. Regardless of whose business you promote and develop by using your van, if you are in an accident that is in part caused by your vision deficiency your claim may be refused because you drove the vehicle knowing your vision may not have been sufficient.

That said, for those that drive a van for an employer may not be aware that their employer may be responsible for the care of your eyesight and that you may be entitled to certain benefits, like a free eye-test and the provision of spectacles if you are found to be in need. This was one of the suggestions put forward by a massive 92 per cent of the drivers that had been interviewed at the road show. They expressed the belief that a compulsory eye sight every three years would certainly reduce the number of road accidents that were caused by drivers falling short of the legal requirements as set by the Department for Transport.

Of the 50 tested, a large proportion – 89 percent would consider having their eyes checked more often if it meant it would have a positive impact on their insurance premiums. On the one hand it is the responsibility of the individual to look after their eyesight, on the other hand with the cost of living spiralling out of control and each and every institution looking for ways to save pennies and spend fewer pounds, it’s not really surprising that individuals are forced to view things like eye care as a luxury.

Unfortunately in the event of an accident, van drivers and all other road users are forced to appreciate just how valuable they are to themselves. Rather than working for yourself or for a company for a wage that is spent simply on surviving, it is far more important to take care of yourself and your health. Life and health insurance offer discounts to those that look after their health as they note doing so will reduce the likelihood of a claim. In time maybe van insurance will do the same, maybe they will recognise the potent importance of one having pristine vision and will reward those that ensure they do.