Tips on Being Able to Afford LASIK Eye Surgery

Sunday 28 June 2009

Are you thinking about getting permanent vision correction with LASIK eye surgery? Don't be deterred by the cost. Just think what you will save by not having to purchase spectacles or contact lenses anymore! Here are some ideas on how you may be able to can afford the cost of LASIK eye surgery.

Use your savings.
The simplest way to be able to pay for Lasik surgery is with money you already have. Use some of your savings if you really want LASIK surgery - this way you won't have any debt to pay later, thus causing less stress. You need to understand that Lasik corrective eye surgery will cost you some thousands of dollars, so it may not be possible for you. If you do have the money saved, don't hesitate to pay for LASIK out of your own pocket.

Obtain financing.
Financing options will be made available to you no matter where you go for your LASIK surgery. Ensure are aware of all the conditions of the financing for your LASIK because there will be variations depending on your credit rating and the financiers' policies. You could be expected to pay the entire bill of within 3 months, for example, while other firms would be willing to allow you to defer complete payment for up to five years. And if you're fortunate, you may be able to get interest-free financing for LASIK. The opposite is interest rates of up to 24%, so be careful! No matter what option for finance you take, you will most likely be required to put down a substantial deposit before your surgery takes place. If you start saving now, you will be able to afford LASIK surgery by getting finance organized through LASIK.

Get a bank loan.
If you are not keen to get financing through the LASIK office, you could go to your bank. Make enquiries on a personal loan or line of credit. What the best option is for you is dependent on how long you believe it will take you to pay back the money. Try and go for the shortest term possible with monthly payments so as not to accrue too much interest.

Sell something you don't need. Even if you are very keen to have LASIK, you may not want to get yourself into more debt. You might be more comfortable selling something to come up with the cash. Think about any big ticket items that you could manage to live without to sell to make your LASIK surgery possible. Have a yard sale or place an ad in the local paper. A yard sale won't cover the entire cost, but it is going to help you afford the LASIK surgery more from your own pocket than from going into debt.

Keep Your Eyes Looking Beautiful: Proper Care for Your Eyes at Any Age - 20s, 30s, 40s and Beyond

Wednesday 24 June 2009

When you look at yourself in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see your radiance? Are your eyes bright and excited about possibility? Or, do you see tired, worn and unsure? Maybe it’s somewhere in between?

I’ve worked with hundreds, I dare say almost even a thousand women and the moment our eyes engage I know their story, before we even speak. Nine out of ten women I meet have a story that is somewhere between radiance and uncertainty. My eye has been trained to see what I feel would make your eyes appear more favorable, a fraction of which is cosmetic, most of which is not.

On the cosmetic end of your windows, lets start with the most basic. Care for your eyes as though they are rare and precious jewels that are like no other. Sounds silly, but in reality you do only have those two. Before washing your face, remove all traces of eye makeup with eye makeup remover. I’ve recently found these great clothes that are made of micro fiber that you can wet and gently remove eye shadow, eyeliner and mascara without using any remover. It also removes waterproof products.

When washing your face be mindful of the cream or soap chemicals that may enter your eyes. Once you’ve cleansed, toned and moisturized your face, continue with eye cream. Starting at puberty your eyes need eye cream. Younger skin can get away with a light or gel based eye cream for day and night. Once you have reached your twenties head for a slightly thicker consistency. You can probably still get away with one eye cream for day and night. However, once you have reached your late 20’s early 30’s start looking into getting eye cream for day and a different one for night.

I’m sure you probably thought the cosmetic counter person was looking to just sell you some more stuff, but as we age that skin around the eye needs more moisture at night that a day eye cream just can not fulfill. Don’t try and get away with using that same night cream for day. It’s just too heavy. Applying eye cream of all other steps is most important when preserving our soul lookers (eyes). I can’t tell you how many women complain about dark circles, wrinkles or dryness around their eyes and when asked if they use eye creams, most say, “NO.” The skin around your eyes is seven times thinner than the other skin on your face, IT NEEDS SOME SPECIAL ATTENTION.

When putting on eye cream or any other eye product - DO NOT RUB, NEVER, EVER, EVER rub your eyes. I'll say it again, “the skin around your eyes is seven times thinner than the rest of your face?” This means the gentlest touch is all that is required around your eyes. Thin skin has a tendency to pull, stretch and wrinkle. Protect those diamond eyes with some sunglasses and plenty of water. The number one cause of wrinkles is dehydration. What dehydrates your skin more than the sun and lack of water?

Your eyes can see all the wonderful beauty that this world has to offer. Our sight is but a tiny component of what makes up our world. It’s our vision that paints the true picture. What we make up about what we see determines whether our eyes dance with joy and beauty or gaze with worry, fear and doubt. What stories have you been telling yourself about the events in your life? If you told yourself a different story about your past, what would your future hold? What would this present moment be like if you viewed all of your experiences as learning and stepping stones? What you give attention to will flourish. Focus your eyes on the prize not the puzzle.

How would you like to learn to attract everything you desire by packaging your look? Not really a NEW you, but just a perfect presentation of the TRUE you. We are not talking about just your physical appearance, though you may have guessed this does play a major role in attracting what you want. Discover the most common beauty mistakes that may cost you what you desire. Exactly how to position your image – your beauty, your presence, your walk, your talk. How beauty is really energy and what you exude determines what you get!

Selecting the Right Eyewear

Thursday 18 June 2009

While choosing any kind of eyewear, there are four important areas of performance that you need to be sure on. They are: fit, functionality, protection and style.

First, you must be sure that a pair of spectacles that you are buying will fit you comfortably. Moreover, they show also look appropriate in size for you facial characteristic-your spectacles should not look too big or small for your face. Different frames suit different faces, and you must know you should know the features f your face to determine the best choice.

You might also be looking for eyewear for the specific purpose of riding protection. Many states also have laws requiring riders to wear eye protection if they do not have facial shields. There are many styles available. Foam-back glasses are a popular choice since they are convenient and offer adequate protection. While making such a purchase, however, be sure that the glasses fit snugly and the lenses are big enough.

Perhaps you are considering clip-on glasses. While buying, make sure the clip fits the edges of the glass properly and is close to the lens, without touching it. Such glasses usually require final adjustments to your facial features at the time of purchase.

The Best Fit

Colored lenses not only look good but also offer great functionality. Below are some of the more popular kinds of lenses.

Smoked lenses owe their popularity to their ease of use and extended durability. Amber lenses are used for driving glasses. They filter out blue light and provide a field of vision with sharp contrast and sharp shadow definition even in high-glare or overcast outdoor conditions. Clear lenses, on the other hand, are great for driving at night or in general low light conditions, while still providing ample UV protection. Yellow lenses are appropriate for driving at night, or in conditions of snow and fog as they increase contrast and brightness.

Orange and grey photochromatic lenses are useful in conditions of varying light. Reflective lenses reflect the light away from the eye, which helps them relax during long periods of stress. Polarized lenses are useful in high glare conditions and help protect the eyes from sudden flashes of light that may harm the retina. Quality glasses, however, need not be expensive. It is possible to get a good pair for cheap-one that will filter light and give a high-definition visual field.

But for a number of people, eyewear is not just about functionality. They want a pair of shades that is useful as well as fashionable. They want to look good, and see better. Branded sunglasses, in fact, are one of the hottest and most expensive accessories on the high fashion markets around the world. But looking good is not just about branding. You need a pair of glasses that fit your face. A square face usually looks good with a bold, square frame, while oval lenses look good on long faces. The kind of metal you use for your spectacle frames is also a dead giveaway about your personality-a strong steel frame is the mark of a businessman while a light titanium frame is for the sportier ones.

Eye Health Care - Do it Right

Monday 15 June 2009

The majority of folks consider their eyesight to be among their most valuable of senses. Eyes are windows to the world, thus loss or damage to vision is of great concern. Consequently, there is little wonder why procedures exist for nearly all kinds of visual problems. Proper eye care is terribly important to guarantee the sustenance of this crucial sense.

One of the most vital things someone can do to take care of their vision is to have routine appointments with an optometrist. Since you use your eyes continuously any little variation might not be noticed until the problem gets worse. Having the proper eye health care appointments will make sure the optometrist can diagnose any problem right away.

Parenthesis from these cure visits the otherwise preventative situation you moldiness do to protect your eyes is to protection your eyes with sufficient preventive adapt when participating in activities that can potentially modification your eyes. This ranges from sunglasses for sun exposure, masks for welding or another exposure to sunshiny lights, and goggles when involved in activities specified as paintball wars. In these activities the probability of earnest visible decay due to illuminate alteration or event are significant.

Even taking these steps there is a chance conditions will occur either over time or via a condition you had from birth. Dry eye care is important as the dryness in your eyes can lead to some damage or more likely you will rub your eyes frequently thus potentially causing damage. In addition other conditions such a red eye can lead to irritation and the appropriate drops will help moisturize and cure your eyes.

Yet other form of eye problem has to do with the change of the cornea and there is nil you can do to actually abstain it. You are either hatched with such a stipulation or it develops with age. This means you instrument get issues focusing on objects either snuggled to you or far off. Lassie eye surgery provides a clean painfuller and uncomplicated route to rectifying specified eye problems.

Eye health care is vital in order to maintain your window to the world. By taking the proper steps and having the proper preventative care performed you will ensure that this sense remains in tact for your whole life. Catching problems early means you will have far more options for rectifying and troublesome condition.

Burning Eyes – Causes of Burning Eyes

Thursday 4 June 2009

Burning eyes affects about 30% of reading glasses wearers at one time or another. It is the commonest symptom of dry eyes. Most just suffer in silence, but there are simple steps that can be taken to help the condition.

Eye burning with discharge is burning, itching, or drainage from the eye of any substance other than tears. Lots of different things can make your eyes burn. Smoke, pollen, or a viral infection such as a cold or the flu can cause eyes to itch, burn, water, and redden. In these cases the burning and itching usually go away when the irritant is removed.

Sometimes burning and itching eyes are due to environmental pollutants that might be eliminated by social action. If secondhand cigarette smoke is annoying, say so. If an industrial plant in the area is polluting, contact the EPA for solutions.

Unprotected eyes can also be burned by the ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun, tanning lamps or arc welding equipment. Like sunburns to the skin, you won't feel pain until hours later, when the eyes and the area around them swell. Near-UV rays can damage your retina. The risk of sunburn to the eyes is very high when sunlight is reflected off water, sand or snow.

Causes of Burning eyes

Chronic dry or burning eyes can be caused by age, some medications, and disease. Itchy, burning eyelids can also result from infection.

Tears bathe the eye, washing out dust and debris and keeping the eye moist. They also contain enzymes that neutralize the microorganisms that colonize the eye. Tears are essential for good eye health.
Allergy is caused by an oversensitive immune system, which leads to a misdirected immune response. The immune system normally protects the body against harmful substances, such as bacteria and viruses. It reacts to substances (allergens) that are generally harmless and in most people do not cause a problem.

Sometimes burning and itching eyes are due to environmental pollutants that might be eliminated by social action. If secondhand cigarette smoke is annoying, say so. If an industrial plant in the area is polluting, contact the EPA for solutions.

Pink eye or viral conjunctivitis causes a red or bloodshot eye and excessive tearing. If you suspect pink eye, remember to wash your hands often, and avoid touching the unaffected eye. The infection will run its course in about 10 days.

During the normal aging process, our bodies and our eyes produce gradually less and less oil. This reduction in oil in the tear film results in quicker evaporation leading to the formation of dry spots on our eyes.

Treatment for Burning eyes

Artificial tears used four-to-six times a day can also relieve symptoms. Avoid over-the-counter eyedrops other than artificial tears because they will eventually make symptoms worse.

Antihistamines in the form of eye-drops or ointments may be prescribed. Cortisone-like eye ointments are not often prescribed. These medications will reduce many types of inflammation, but can make certain infections, such as herpes, worse.

Conserving the tears in your own eyes is another approach to keeping the eyes moist. Tears drain out of the eye through a small canal into the nose (that is why your nose runs when you cry). Your ophthalmologist may close these canals either temporarily or permanently. This closure conserves your own tears and makes artificial tears last longer.

Beautiful Eyes - Taking Care of your Eyes

Tuesday 2 June 2009

Although we use our eyes everyday, we rarely pay attention to them until there is some serious problem. You can maintain perfect eyesight for most of your life by following some simple remedies.

An Important Aspect of Health

If you were asked, "Do you take care of your eyes once a week or at least once a month?", the most common reply would probably be in the negative. The eyes are considered to tbe the most important organ in ourt body and yet, people neglect to care for them. If you take care of your eyes eat lots of fruits & veggies. Carrots, loaded with beta carotene are especially helpful in maintaining healthy eyes. Do not wash the eyes or face when the body is sweating, especially after hard physical exercise or after being exposed to heat and sun. Protect your eyes from dust, smoke, strong sunlight and strong wind. Avoid staying long in such conditions.

Drink lots of milk every day. Its full of important vitamins. Eating cabbage and carrots is very beneficial for the eyes. Avoid wearing contact lenses for more than 12 hours. This can cause permanent sight damage as well as extreme discomfort. Another simple way of protecting of eyes is through 'palming'. Rub the palms of both hands for about 30 seconds, close the eyes and gently place the warm palms over the eyes. Vitamins C, A and E, folic acid, selenium and zinc are definitely beneficial for the health of your eyes. Wear safety glasses while at work or play that may cause injury to your eyes. Never look into the sun for more than a glimpse. Dip a cotton ball in cold water and then keep it on the eyes. It gives a feeling of relaxation.

Tiredness of eyes is caused due to many reasons, like, lack of sleep, tension, stress etc. For Tired Eyes: So, some of the homemade remedies which can help to get rid of tired. A Dip two cotton pads in icy cold water and then place it over the eyes to ease to your eyes. Soak cotton balls in cold milk and place it over the eyes for about ten minutes. After ten minutes, rinse well with warm water and then with cold water. Drink plenty of water to improve the middle aqueous layer of tear film. Take vitamin C, which can be diluted when eye irritants cause the eye to water. Putting one drop of honey in each eye once a week is also beneficial to the eyes. It causes a bit of irritation, but cleans the eyes. Using your eyes in dim light can cause eyestrain. Good lighting can make reading and other close work easier.

Takec Care Eye Tips

1. Do not wash the eyes or face when the body is sweating.

2. Protect your eyes from dust, smoke, strong sunlight and strong wind.

3. For vision of eyes eat lots of green vegetables, fish and fresh fruits, especially carrot which are enriched in vitamin.

4. Wear safety glasses while at work or play that may cause injury to your eyes.

5. Always use sunglasses during the peak day time to protect your eyes from sunrays. Direct sunrays cause heavy damage to eyes.

6. Eating cabbage and carrots is very beneficial for the eyes. These should be eaten raw. It is all right to drink cabbage and carrot juice mixed together or separately.

7. Regular eye exercise maintains perfect eyesight.

8. A great way to get off eye makeup is to mix water and baby bath. Removes it in seconds, even waterproof.

9. Place a slice of potato or cucumber on both the eyes, after 10 minutes remove and wash the eyes. This helps to avoid under eye wrinkles and dark circles around the eyes.

Don'ts of eye care

* Don't wear contact lenses for extended periods of time or overnight as this leads to complication.
* Don't rub eyes frequently as this can cause an eye infection as few of us bother to wash our hands before touching our eyes.
* When you splash water do not do this furiously believing doing this will take away tiredness instead wash gently as splashing may hurtle the smallest dust particles or an allergen which may minutely damage the cornea.