Keep Your Eyes Looking Beautiful: Proper Care for Your Eyes at Any Age - 20s, 30s, 40s and Beyond

Wednesday 24 June 2009

When you look at yourself in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see your radiance? Are your eyes bright and excited about possibility? Or, do you see tired, worn and unsure? Maybe it’s somewhere in between?

I’ve worked with hundreds, I dare say almost even a thousand women and the moment our eyes engage I know their story, before we even speak. Nine out of ten women I meet have a story that is somewhere between radiance and uncertainty. My eye has been trained to see what I feel would make your eyes appear more favorable, a fraction of which is cosmetic, most of which is not.

On the cosmetic end of your windows, lets start with the most basic. Care for your eyes as though they are rare and precious jewels that are like no other. Sounds silly, but in reality you do only have those two. Before washing your face, remove all traces of eye makeup with eye makeup remover. I’ve recently found these great clothes that are made of micro fiber that you can wet and gently remove eye shadow, eyeliner and mascara without using any remover. It also removes waterproof products.

When washing your face be mindful of the cream or soap chemicals that may enter your eyes. Once you’ve cleansed, toned and moisturized your face, continue with eye cream. Starting at puberty your eyes need eye cream. Younger skin can get away with a light or gel based eye cream for day and night. Once you have reached your twenties head for a slightly thicker consistency. You can probably still get away with one eye cream for day and night. However, once you have reached your late 20’s early 30’s start looking into getting eye cream for day and a different one for night.

I’m sure you probably thought the cosmetic counter person was looking to just sell you some more stuff, but as we age that skin around the eye needs more moisture at night that a day eye cream just can not fulfill. Don’t try and get away with using that same night cream for day. It’s just too heavy. Applying eye cream of all other steps is most important when preserving our soul lookers (eyes). I can’t tell you how many women complain about dark circles, wrinkles or dryness around their eyes and when asked if they use eye creams, most say, “NO.” The skin around your eyes is seven times thinner than the other skin on your face, IT NEEDS SOME SPECIAL ATTENTION.

When putting on eye cream or any other eye product - DO NOT RUB, NEVER, EVER, EVER rub your eyes. I'll say it again, “the skin around your eyes is seven times thinner than the rest of your face?” This means the gentlest touch is all that is required around your eyes. Thin skin has a tendency to pull, stretch and wrinkle. Protect those diamond eyes with some sunglasses and plenty of water. The number one cause of wrinkles is dehydration. What dehydrates your skin more than the sun and lack of water?

Your eyes can see all the wonderful beauty that this world has to offer. Our sight is but a tiny component of what makes up our world. It’s our vision that paints the true picture. What we make up about what we see determines whether our eyes dance with joy and beauty or gaze with worry, fear and doubt. What stories have you been telling yourself about the events in your life? If you told yourself a different story about your past, what would your future hold? What would this present moment be like if you viewed all of your experiences as learning and stepping stones? What you give attention to will flourish. Focus your eyes on the prize not the puzzle.

How would you like to learn to attract everything you desire by packaging your look? Not really a NEW you, but just a perfect presentation of the TRUE you. We are not talking about just your physical appearance, though you may have guessed this does play a major role in attracting what you want. Discover the most common beauty mistakes that may cost you what you desire. Exactly how to position your image – your beauty, your presence, your walk, your talk. How beauty is really energy and what you exude determines what you get!