Take Control of Your Eye Problems - Take Lutein Rich Foods

Wednesday 6 January 2010

The world is beautiful. It is made of exact precisions, and is carefully crafted. The play of colors and the balance of things is an astonishing sight to behold. Lastly, the careful arrangement of all living things exudes a balance of magnificent harmony. Indeed, the world is a Beautiful sight to behold! The very act of seeing the world is an astonishing experience. Seeing relies on the interaction between the visions seen by the optics and the brain. And to see nothing more than a blurry sight or darkness, is indeed a sad situation to be in.

One of the growing problems our world is facing today is, Ocular Related Problems. Take Control of your Eye Problems. This is a serious problem, simply because our optics is one of the most fragile organs. Vision is of great importance to us because we use our eyes everyday! Luckily, there is a solution to eye problems, it is called Lutein. This element has been found to play an important role in protecting our eyes and visions. This element works in two ways; it acts as a natural sun block and it neutralizes free radicals that can damage the eyes.

One of the many and long consequences of Lutein deficiency is Age-Related Macular Degeneration. This is one Eye Problem that need immediate attention. Daily consumptions of food rich in Lutein can help prevent this condition. The good news about Lutein is it has over 600 Carotenoid. It is a very important element because it is abundantly found in the Macula of the eye, which is the central part of the retina. Because this Carotenoid naturally exist in our eyes, it is important that this antioxidant does not diminish in quantity. Otherwise several Eye Diseases will occur. More good news still, this element is also found in leafy, dark green vegetables, thus the mere consumption of this may help prevent blindness.

Here's how Lutein works. Lutein is an antioxidant which protects cells against damage from naturally occurring free radicals. These are single group of atoms capable of damaging the cells and impairing the immune system which leads to infectious and sometimes degenerative diseases, one of which that they damage is our vision. Proper Eye Care is of great importance if we want to keep our eyes and visions in an optimum level. This way we avoid Eye Problems. How to obtain Lutein: Though Lutein is not an essential nutrient; it can be easily obtained from food. To do this you must modify your diet.

The best source of this is Green vegetables. The likes of spinach, peas, romaine lettuce and collard greens are good sources of this. Daily and consumption of these greens can Take Control of Your Eye Problems. But taking Lutein rich foods is not enough; it must be reinforced with zeaxanthin. This two work best when they are together. Hand in hand they help decrease Eye Problems. One must also consider that adequate amount of Lutein dosage is at least 6mg. this amount will be beneficial to the eyes. Remember though that our bodies possess bodily acids which in a way act as cleaners of our systems, so little amounts of Lutein consumptions may be destroyed along the way, which is why it is essential to consume more green leafy vegetables, to ensure at least 6mg. of lutein in the body. Though essential to the eyes because it helps treat the growing risk of Eye Problems; Maximum safe dosages have not been established for pregnant or nursing women, children, or sufferers of liver or kidney disease. Protect your vision, it one of the ways to relieve stress and other weakening problems. Imagine looking at a view and then later on you feel relieved and renewed. The sight is a wonderful gift that we need to treasure. Take Control of your Eye Problems.