Take Care Of Your Eyes

Friday 31 October 2008

What Are Tears Composed of?

Tears of composed of three different layers. The outer lipid layer consists of an oily film that prevents evaporation and keeps the eye lubricated. The middle layer is made of mostly water that moisturizes the eyes and some nutrients and proteins that help prevent eye infections.

Wearing Eyeglasses Correctly!

It is important that people wear eyeglasses that correctly fit because wearing the wrong kind of glasses will just contribute more to the eye strain. It is also possible that wearing these ill-fitting eyeglasses will predispose the individual to develop eye strain.

Dry Eyes

They may also have chronically dry eyes, and the eye strain may also just be tiredness from overuse of the eyes. To solve this uncomfortable eye strain problem, simply close your eyes for a few minutes – it will help refocus your eyes.

Why You Blink?

Blinking also helps because it gives moisture to the eyes. Artificial tears also help since strain can lead to eye dryness and re-moistening your eyes – either artificial tears or by blinking – is a great way to ease your tight eye muscles. Tears are a major protective agent for the eyes. They not only wash away dust from the eyes, they also soothe the eyes, provide oxygen and nutrients to the cornea, as well as help prevent eye infections.

Prevent Eye Strain

It is important that people wear eyeglasses that correctly fit because wearing the wrong kind of glasses will just contribute more to the eye strain. It is also possible that wearing these ill-fitting eyeglasses will predispose the individual to develop eye strain.

Makeup and Eyes

Many people don't realize that eyelids are extra prone to absorbing makeup, sometimes creating sensitivity to certain products that may lead to allergic reactions.